Lady VI
Size: 30 W x 70 H cm.
Lady V
Size: 47 W x 67 H cm.
Young Lady G
Size: 20 W x 20 H cm.
Lady IV
Size: 30 W x 70 H cm.
Size: 30 W x 35 H cm.
Lady III
Size: 35 W x 60 H cm.
Lady II
Size: 30 W x 35 H cm.
A tear of dreamer
Size: 21 W x 28 H cm.
Size: 50 W x 70 H cm.
Gossip girlfriend
Size: 20 W x 20 H cm.
The gossip
Size: 20 W x 20 H cm.
Portrait IV
Size: 17 W x 24 H cm.
Abstract portrait
Portrait III
Size: 17 W x 24 H cm.
Abstract portrait
Portrait II
Size 17 W x 24 H cm.
Abstract portrait
Portrait I
Size: 17 W x 24 H cm.
Abstract portrait
Late night talking
Size: 50 W x 70 H cm.
Tainted love
Size: 50 decimeters
Abstract portraits
Size: 75 W x 25 H cm.
A walk in my thoughts
Abstract portrait
Size: 40 W x 50 H cm.
Stand still
Abstract portrait
Size: 30 W x 35 H cm.
Portrait of a love
Abstract portrait
Size: 30 W x 30 H cm.
Betrayed love
Abstract portrait
Size: 35 W x 35 H cm.
Imaginary friend /SOLD/
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 30 W x 40 H cm.
The blue girl /SOLD/
Abstract portrait
Size: 30 W x 40 H cm.
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 40 H x 40 W cm.
Feeling myself
Abstract self portrait
Size: 70 W x 100 H cm.
In my thoughts
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 28.5 W x 33.5 H cm.
Can you hear me
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 28.5 W x 33 H cm.
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 70 W x 50 H cm.
About last night /SOLD/
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 50 W x 70 H cm.
Is it me or are you
Abstract faces
Size: 40 W x 40 H cm.
Femme like U /SOLD/
Abstract faces portrait
Size: 70 W x 40 H cm.
Joy Garesco’s Girls /SOLD/
Abstract faces portrait
I’m afraid not to be afraid /SOLD/
Abstract portrait
You, me and us
Abstract portrait
Size: 25 W x 30 H cm.
Behind The Curtain
Abstract portrait
Size: 34 W x 49 H cm.
Don’t Lose The Light In You
Abstract portrait
Size: 40 W x 80 H cm.
Mary Magdalene
Abstract portrait
Size: 70 W x 70 H cm.
One Direction
Abstract faces
Size: 70 W x 100 H cm.
Moods 1 /SOLD/
Abstract faces
Size: 20 W x 60 H cm.
Moods 2 /SOLD/
Abstract faces
Size: 20 W x 60 H cm.